Pomegranate Astrology

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Jupiter in the Garden of Earthly Pleasures

You can watch the chat I had with the truly lovely and excellent astrologer Tiarnie Vidler on Jupiter’s ingress into Taurus here

Depending upon your time zone, Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16/17th, 2023 and remains there until May 25/26, 2024.

As I write this BFG Joop teeters on the final and spike-y anaretic degree of Aries, mere hours away from His ingress into Taurus.

This new Jupiterian adventure is a hopeful, uplifting turning point for our Benefics. Especially following a chaotic and Mars-y Eclipse Season that included both Mercury and Pluto turning rx.

Last month Jupiter endured his sacrificial moment of synodic crisis as a dying god heading into the heart of an exalted Sun. That Cazimi was an impressively fiery incineration for Zeus, who in true phoenix form has risen again. But Jupiter staggering through late Aries is currently a flightless (if still smokin’ hot) baby firebird. Our BFG’s rebirth proper will occur in Venus-ruled Taurus. By tomorrow, the Blazing Saddles of our Aries Jupiter will be reincarnated as a Big Buttery Fellow - a generous, somewhat over-indulgent Fat of the Land Lad.

The pace is set to change to a more stately one than high-speed Aries. But as Taurus is Fixed Earth, the de-acceleration will be accompanied by intensity and intransigence. There’ll be more focus on capacity than velocity. Less pursuit of the goal, more taking pleasure in the process.

With Uranus co-present, there may be an increase in unexpected challenges or events regarding economic stability; and resources such as food, land, housing. For Uranus is our Mad Uncle Prometheus in the Taurean Garden of Earthly Pleasures; and He loves to whip the tablecloth out from under the buffet from time to time. Just to see what happens.

The moment of ingress breaks with Jupiter landing close to the North Node, and plumply squaring Pluto in Aquarius. Quite the prickly welcoming committee.

But essentially, Jupiter into Taurus is the renewal of our Greater Benefic’s strength and vigour. A greening and fattening of our hopes, wishes, justice, and generative endeavours in and through the spirit of Gaia. A full-hearted blooming. This is the Green Man’s face, amorously winking at you from the trees in a forest slippery with Joop-juice.

These past months, I’ve talked to many who are craving a slowing down, a return to the Earth and embodied rhythms away from the stunting mesmerism of screens. A desire to find our lost pelts, a wish to root down into a sense of emplacement and mythic presence. A Taurean Zeus knows there’s a wisdom to be found in beauty, in embodied pleasure, and in experiencing life through the senses: sun on skin, hands in the dirt, waters, delicious food in the belly, the beauty, and the embrace of a lover. It’s the pleasure of good work and the good work of pleasure.

With Saturn in Pisces receiving Jupiter’s rays, we may make, quite simply, some seriously good art. There may well be a resurgence of Romanticism of an Arcadian nature. Do be wary of hoarding the Earth’s gifts. Jupiter’s gifts increase when the surplus is shared; and Jove is made more abundant and magnanimous when approached with an expansive, and generous spirit.

Look to your Taurus (wholesign) House by rising sign to see which area of life will receive these Jovian blessings.