Jupiter re-enters Pisces

In the middle of Eclipse Season, Jupiter rx made a great splash, re-entering His oceanic Home of Pisces yesterday (28/10 AEDT).

It’s a potent healing energy for the Dreaming as we release what needs to die.
BFG Jupiter remains in ︎Pisces until the hours before the Solstice, when He dips back into ︎Aries

It’s a slowing from the ruthless, break-neck pace of ︎, which has been an invigorating & inspiring fire tonic, but with Mars in Gemini for an extended play, it’s also felt a bit like riding a runaway bullet train, accompanied by a legion of Valkyries.

With Jupiter in ︎ we can slake our thirst, replenish, refuel, & let go of anything too-tightly held. We have an opportunity to calibrate our nervous systems, re-examine our beliefs & journey within, as Jupiter allows us to access wisdom from the fathomless Unconscious of Pisces.

This is a good time to soften, catch up with yourself & allow any unprocessed emotions, shock, trauma - or signs of burnout - to be gently tended. Particularly as manic Mars in Gemini is about to turn rx.

Rest, meditation, & somatic therapies may also be well-timed. Especially during Scorpio Season where we can dig down, access, & release any stored toxins or gridlocked emotions with (self) compassion.

It’s also a time to revisit our dreams, the imaginal realms, & creative visioning.
Where are we at with our Big Dreams from when Jupiter was last in ︎Pisces?
︎ Aries may have given them rocket fuel, but how do we feel about them now? Do we need to rejig the vision? Do we need to be still a while, reconnect with the heart of our dreams & allow any intuitive messages to bubble to the surface?

As ever, watch for excess with Jupiter. In boundless, somewhat chaotic Pisces our cups may runneth over, & we may have a tendency towards grandiose or delusional ideas, particularly around magical thinking, or a yearning to be rescued from reality. Collectively, Inflation may rise too.

Yet creativity receives an injection from the magical mermaid realms. And the gentle, healing spirit & compassion of Pisces is a magic potion from the divine deep.
This beautifully dignified Jupiter will trine Venus & the Sun in Scorpio over the coming weeks. With the Scorpion’s help we can keep things real.


Retrograde Mars in Gemini


New Moon in Eclipse in Scorpio, October 2022