Venus Conjunct Uranus in Taurus: Desirous Disruptions


Our Rose of Venus in ︎Taurus reclines in Her Garden of Earthly Delights. Here Aphrodite is abundant & verdantly resourced. She arches toward Prometheus - eccentric fire-stealing thief of our predictability.

This moment of fusion amidst the clang and clash of paradigm changes is a thrilling & potently creative embrace. It’s unhampered by the malefics who wave mildly at Venus from their watery degrees; & even La Lune lingers long enough in Her Cancerian Home to witness this bold Taurean kiss.

Desirous disruptions, delicious iconoclasm, sensual electrics, earth-bound illuminations.

This is not just another astrological dopamine hit to gobble & soothe our existential woes. Here is also a captivating challenge. An opportunity for delectable liberation & to reclaim this tiny patch of your greening Earth.

The conjunction takes place in the degree of our November ‘22 FM eclipse in ︎. Recall what endings took place…what in your life has been shed & dissolved since that eclipse?

The ground of 16° ︎ has lain fallow & is now fertile & ready to receive a bolt of lightning, a charge of creative intuition. A new breaking or taking of lost ground.

Even a mild dose of Fireworks in the Garden can shake us out of our dullness & refresh our senses.

Will you take up the charge & carry the torch of insight? Sensual desire & non-conformity can spark new ways of expressing ourselves.

A moment of freedom to redefine your values & material security. Maybe the conjuring of a plan grounded in the pleasures of process, rather than angst & urgency. Maverick flowers that are given space to bloom amidst the lightning bugs.

Or will you let it all fizzle out in the waters of Lethe, here in this Underworld river of forgetfulness from which we drink daily? The stealth-stealing of our fire & desire is real as we seek oblivion & comfort in the doom-scroll.

There are other more embodied & exciting possibilities…
Polish your voluptuous antenna, luvs. Arouse your senses. Feel the hairs prick the back of your neck & see, hear, taste, touch what may come...


Full Moon in Libra - Gateway to Eclipse Season.


Mars in Cancer - Domestic Passions